@extends('layouts.common') @section('title') Laiqa | Admin | Dashboard @endsection @section('content')

View User query


  • User Name {{ $list[0]->name }}
  • User Email: {{ $list[0]->email }}
  • User Query: {{ $list[0]->choice_one }} -> {{ $list[0]->choice_two }} -> {{ $list[0]->query }}
  • Query Raised on: @php echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime($list[0]->query_sent_on)) @endphp
  • Married Status @if($user_health[0]->married_status == 1)Married @elseif($user_health[0]->married_status == 2)Inactive @elseif($user_health[0]->married_status == 3)In Relationship @elseif($user_health[0]->married_status == 4)Single @else - @endif
  • Children @if($user_health[0]->children == 1)None @elseif($user_health[0]->children == 2)0-2 @elseif($user_health[0]->children == 3)>2 @else - @endif
  • Trying to pregnant @if($user_health[0]->trying_pregnant == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->trying_pregnant == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Fertility reminder @if($user_health[0]->fertility_reminder == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->fertility_reminder == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Contraceptives @if($user_health[0]->contraceptives == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->contraceptives == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Pills Reminder @if($user_health[0]->pills_reminder == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->pills_reminder == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Weight @if($user_health[0]->user_weight != ''){{$user_health[0]->user_weight}} @else - @endif
  • Height @if($user_health[0]->user_height != ''){{$user_health[0]->user_height}} @else - @endif
  • Weight @if($user_health[0]->user_blood_group != '') {{$user_health[0]->user_blood_group}} @else - @endif
  • Diabetics @if($user_health[0]->user_diabetics == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->user_diabetics == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Hypertension @if($user_health[0]->user_hypertension == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->user_hypertension == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Heart Problem @if($user_health[0]->user_heart_pblm == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->user_heart_pblm == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Ashtma @if($user_health[0]->user_ashtma == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->user_ashtma == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Allergies @if($user_health[0]->allergies != '') {{$user_health[0]->allergies}} @else - @endif
  • PCOD/PCOS @if($user_health[0]->pcos_pcod == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->pcos_pcod == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Dysmennorhoea @if($user_health[0]->dysmennorhoea == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->dysmennorhoea == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Endometriosis @if($user_health[0]->endometriosis == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->endometriosis == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Thyroid @if($user_health[0]->thyroid == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->thyroid == 2)No @else - @endif
  • Mental Health @if($user_health[0]->mental_health == 1)Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->mental_health == 2)No @else - @endif
  • User medication @if($user_health[0]->user_medication != '' || $user_health[0]->user_medication != 0) {{$user_health[0]->user_medication}} @else - @endif
  • User Income @if($user_health[0]->user_income != '' || $user_health[0]->user_income != 0) {{$user_health[0]->user_income}} @else - @endif
  • Education @if($user_health[0]->user_education == 1)High School@elseif($user_health[0]->user_education == 2)UG@elseif($user_health[0]->user_education == 3)PG @elseif($user_health[0]->user_education == 4)Doctrate @else - @endif
  • Employment @if($user_health[0]->employment == 1)Student@elseif($user_health[0]->employment == 2)Employed @elseif($user_health[0]->employment == 3)Home maker @else - @endif
  • Sexually Active @if($user_health[0]->sexually_active == 1 ) Yes @elseif($user_health[0]->sexually_active == 2) No @else - @endif
  • Purpose of using App @if($user_health[0]->purpose_using_app !='' ) {{$user_health[0]->purpose_using_app}} @elseif($user_health[0]->purpose_using_app == 0) - @else - @endif


@foreach ($chat_list as $key => $val)
@foreach ($val->reply_array as $key => $reply) @if($reply->sender == 0)

{{ $reply->message }}


{{ $reply->message }}

@endif @endforeach @endforeach
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection